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Sardar Veerangoud Patil, Mahila Vidya Peeth, Vidyanagar, Hubli
Mahila Vidyapeeth strives for academic excellence. Innovative pedagogy, best mentors, and faculty with vast industry experience offer modern education of global standards.

Founders Of Mahila Vidya Peeth

Smt Nagamma Patil and Padmashree Sadar Veerangouda Patil

The first lady M.L.A. from Bombay-Karnataka, Smt. Nagamma Patil, and Padmashree Sardar Veerangouda Patil created MAHILA VIDYA PEETH in Hubli in 1934 under the name Harijan Balikashram. In Karnataka, Sardar Veeranagouda Patil was a seasoned figurehead for the freedom movement. He was a renowned Gandhian and constructive worker who contributed greatly to the cause of educating women folk and the freedom of war Harijans. His selfless dedication and sacrifice in the fields of education, Harijan upliftment, and freedom struggle are all praiseworthy. He began his career as a Life Member of the Karnataka Lingayat Education Society, Belgaum (K.L.E. Society), which is today one of the largest educational organizations in Asia, with the goal of advancing the cause of education. He was one of the K.L.E. Society’s first seven members.

Cofounder of mahila Vidya peeth

Smt Leelavati magadi and Shri Venkatesh magadi

The contribution of the Magadis to the freedom movement in Karnataka is unique. Leelavati, the only daughter of Shri. Veeranagouda Patil by his first wife Sundaratai inherited the graces, beauty and determination of the one and the sense of social services and sacrifice of the other.
So the choice fell on Shri. Veerangouda Patil. From her very childhood, Leelavati breathed the air of independence and patriotism. She accompanied her father in his tour of the country. In 1927 he visited Shantiniketan. He was so much impressed by the atmosphere of the Niketan that he decided to admit there, Leelavati who was just seven years old. He asked her whether she would, and her quick and firm affirmative answer settled the matter. That is how Leelavati came to be influenced in her early children by the teaching of Ravindranath Tagore. Later she was admitted to the Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, another national school in Jullundar. Though she spent much of her time outside, the national activities that were carried on in Karnataka were not unknown to her, both her parents being in the very thick of it. Prabhat Pheri, Picketing, boycotting the foreign goods, spinning, and the frequent visits of the police, the arrests and the release were part of her life. 

She usually spent her annual summer vacations in Hubli. It is during that time, she came into contact with the young band of Congress workers like Venkatesh Magadi, Shirrang Kamat, Narasimha Dabade and others housed to frequent their house. Venkatesh Magadi was treated as good as a member of the family.

She and Venkatesh Magadi decided to marry. The course of true love never did run smooth. There were objections to the marriage from different quarters for different reasons. Shri. Patil himself was not happy about it. He did not want his daughter to go in for a life of instability and suffering and deprivation. Their marriage, however, did take place on January 26, 1942 in a very simple manner befitting freedom fighter. On august 9, 1942 both of them plunged into the Quit India Movement. She was arrest and kept in the Hindalga jail for eleven months as a detune. After her release she was helping the underground workers. In freed India her services and sacrifice came to be recognized and rewarded, so to say. She worked as Deputy Minister in Jattis ministry. After the Congress split in 1969 Venkatesh Magadi decided to join the Congress (R) while Leelavati chose to remain in the Congress (o)for some time. They remind one of the Kripalani.


Foundation stone laid by Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad On 27-4-1949

Construction of this stunning auditorium and prayer hall cost Rs. 15,000,000 (fifteen lakhs). Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad laid the cornerstone on April 27, 1949. As Mahatma Gandhiji’s Holi Chita Bhasma is maintained in this auditorium, the edifice bears his name. (In reality, Mahatma Gandhiji’s advise and inspiration were what led to the founding of this organization.)

Head Office Head Office Head Office

Mahila Vidya Peeth Institution Head Office: Empowering Women Through Education

The Mahila Vidya Peeth Institution was founded with a noble vision: to provide women with an environment where they can access quality education, acquire skills, and develop into confident, independent individuals. The Institution’s head office serves as the administrative hub, steering the institution towards its mission of empowering women through education.

At the heart of educational institutions lies the power to shape minds, transform lives, and contribute to societal progress. One such beacon of education and empowerment is the Mahila Vidya Peeth Institution, Established with a profound commitment to women’s education, the Institution stands as a symbol of academic excellence, social upliftment, and gender equality.

Our Colleges and Hostels Our Colleges and Hostels Our Colleges and Hostels

Smt Sudhatayi R Shetty Primary School

For the benefit of the resident children of Kasturba Balikashram this school was started and later on converted into a general Primary School by Late Takkar Bapa-Gen Secretary of All India Harijan Sevak Sangha, Delhi. Now more

Mahila Vidya Peeth Girls High School

This magnificent hostel building with 48 rooms, two halls, with all the infrastrure facilities was established in 1961: The hostel facilities are provided for our Trainees of Primary Teachers’ Training Course (D.Ed.) & Nursing Students coming from the rural areas. Apart from this, now more 

M V Women's Composite P U College

At M.V. Women’s Composite PU College, we believe in empowering young women to reach their fullest potential by providing a nurturing and inclusive educational environment. Established with a vision to create a space where young women can excel academically, socially, and personally, our college stands as a beacon

Smt. Manoramadevi Jugal Kishor Somani Art & Commerce Degree College

Considering the acute need of the Degree College for the students coming out from our P.U. COLLEGE and the girls hailing from the rural areas and surrounding areas, our management took a daring step to start Degree College during 2000 A.D.

Mahila Vidya Peeth Industrial Training Institute

This first ITI for women in Karnataka was started in 1992 by introducing Sewing Technology & Fashion Design courses are introduced for ladies.

Mahila Vidya Peeth Institute of Nursing

OUR NURSING INSTITUTE was stablished in 24/08/1998. It has a beautiful land building with furnished hostel, library and laboratories etc.

Working Women's Hostel

Considering the acute need of the hostel facilities for the working ladies, in this fastest growing city, the management decided to come to their help by constructing a suitable hostel in our campus. 

Kastur Balikashram

On the advice of Mahatma Gandhiji, Harijan Balikashram was started in 1934 under the auspicious of All India Harijan Sevak Sangha Delhi, providing free hostel, free boarding, free education for the Harijan and poor and down trodden girls.

MVP Teachers Training Institute for women

MAHILA VIDYAPEETH, Hubli was founded in 1934 in the name of Harijan Balikashram by Padmashree Sardar Veerangouda Patil Ex-M.L.A. And his wife Smt. Nagamma Patil Ex-M.L.A.(a first lady M.L.A. from Bombay-Karnataka).

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